Looting Cultural Artifacts Gaining National Attention

Undercover Federal Agent

Undercover special agent Todd Swain is charged with protecting cultural artifacts in National Parks like Joshua Tree.

Making our way down a rutted trail after a long drive along a dusty fire road, the two men, one a undercover federal agent and the other a middle aged archaeologist for the Bureau of Land Management, led me to a site that left me in awe. On both sides of me were twenty foot walls of dark rock with ancient petroglyphs nearly everywhere the eye could see. Trying to decipher the meaning of the rock art is a lesson in individual interpretation I was told, but nonetheless I was shown many different drawings that depicted primitive man, animals (believed to be snakes, bighorn sheep) and markings that are believed to record time. It was fascinating.

Rock art near the Ord and Rodman mountains is often damaged and removed illegally and sold on the internet or to dealers.

Until you saw the large chunks of rock that were removed to reveal the much lighter color underneath. Further inspection showed where large chisels were placed and the slabs containing rock art were removed. The assumption, based on the expertise of Todd Swain, the undercover agent for the National Park Service and considered one of a few experts in cultural artifact theft, is that looters removed the art and either sold it on the internet or to antiquity dealers. As the Los Angeles Times noted in today’s front page story, and Preservation magazine detailed in their January/February cover story for which I was shooting, looting of Native American artifacts is particularly common in the Southwest. In Utah, several people involved in a case of dealing with allegedly looted artifacts have committed suicide.

Chunks of rock missing where Native American rock art abounds.

From Joshua Tree National Park to near Barstow, CA and places far between, looters are illegally removing cultural artifacts for their own pleasure and financial gain. While we roamed the expansive terrain of Joshua Tree near dusk, the golden hour light casting a warm glow on the rock formations,  it was explained how difficult it is to stop the illicit activity. With millions of acres containing artifacts and few NPS agents, the chance of catching someone in the act of looting is rare, Swain admits. But the evidence of looting is abundant. Large, partially filled holes dot the landscape where “twiggers”, a term referring to tweekers (meth addicts) who are diggers, have excavated an area in an effort to recover pottery shards, arrowheads, tools and other artifacts. Broken pieces of wood that likely made sifters lay nearby. Once the artifacts are taken, prosecution is admittedly difficult. So Swain works undercover posing as a buyer in hopes of gaining the trust of sellers who might admit the items were looted. Without the admission, it’s nearly impossible to prove the items were stolen.

So the next time I’m wandering through a quaint Southwest art store in towns from Palm Desert to Tucson, I’ll give some thought to purchasing anything that could have been removed from a ancient Native American colony. And I certainly won’t ever consider purchasing rock art that comes on a broken piece of slab.

What Exactly Do You Do?

I always get a laugh from the quizzical look on peoples faces when I tell them I’m a “photojournalist.”

Sometimes it’s like announcing you are a neonatal geophysicist. The long, drawn out “Ohhhhh” is the first clue they have no clue.

Once the standard, “I take photos for various magazines and publications” is explained, I’m invariably met with the quintessential “Ohhhhhhhh, so do you just take photos or do you write also?” (As if just taking photos was so damn easy). From that point it’s just a short breath til I sputter “No, I don’t write cuz I can barely read.” More “Ohhhhhhhhh” follows, because they think I’m serious.

Anyway, my point is that is not always easy explaining what it is we photojournalists do. Luckily for me, it varies. A couple weeks ago I was in Pebble Beach shooting the PGA Tour for Sports Illustrated and then home before heading back out  to a small farming town to photograph migrant women working in the fields. From the manicured greens and pampered personalities of the PGA  to the calloused hands and muddy fields of a migrant’s life, those two weeks reminded me a lot about photojournalism.

Covering the PGA Tour is fun, no doubt. But you have to find success in the quieter moments of sports. Photographing a golf event isn’t as action packed as shooting football, hockey or the NBA, so the challenge is to make interesting images from a sport where being low-keyed is considered appropriate. Let’s put it this way: There’s not a lot of chest banging, trash talking, nose to nose competition inside the ropes of the PGA Tour. With collisions a rarity outside the clubhouse bar and few instances of body checks or posting-up, it becomes a lesson in shooting a humble sport. Put another way, anyone wearing a TapOut shirt is going to stand out like a Democrat on the tour. Olympic Curlers are more animated than tour players, but I think you get the idea……..

Dustin Johnson, winner of 2009 & 2010 AT&T National Pro Am at Pebble Beach

Dustin Johnson, winner of 2009 & 2010 AT&T National Pro Am at Pebble Beach

Truth be told, though, the photojournalist in me loves to shoot images that delve into societies’ issues. And spending time with the women who trudged through the rows of vineyards and orchards snipping, clipping and tying branches and fruit was a great shoot. I was energized and felt rejuvenated as I made my way back to LA. The long drive made me think a lot about the details, about the conditions the women work and live in. I thought as I climbed the Grapevine on I-5 how I never heard anyone complain like I surely would if I was making $50 for a full days work clipping dead branches in a muddy field. I reflected on how I was shooting images in a cockroach infested migrant housing complex when one of the women insisted I have a couple homemade tacos before leaving.

Like a lot of photographers, one of the pleasures we draw from our lifestyle is the ability to reflect on our work when we process the images. Only a decade ago I would wait at a cafe near my favorite lab, Chrome N’ R, usually with a friend or two, for the chromes to be processed and mounted. I could never wait to get home to view the slides so I would hold them up to the windshield while driving home for a quick glance. It was exciting! Now, it’s just as exciting and a LOT faster since I ingest them into my computer, process and upload to my Photoshelter archive within a hour or two. Long gone are the days of marking slides with dots, preparing FedEx slips and waiting days for the editors in NY or Washington to view them. Once the images are on my Photoshelter site, I create a very loosely edited gallery and send the password protected link with download privileges to the assigning editor. Done! What’s nice about the archive is the ability to keep the images unsearchable and private to just my client until they publish the work. Once the images run,  I can select the photos I want to FTP and send them directly to my agency, Aurora, from my archive. From there it’s a simple keyboard command and the photos become searchable to the public.

Campesina tying grape vines in fields of California

Campesina tying grape vines in fields of California

I guess that’s a good explanation for what a photojournalist does………..Except, that kind of leaves out the whole part about audio, video, and editing in Final Cut Pro. Oh yeah, that also fails to mention the need to post your images on social network sites like Facebook and Twitter. Oh, I forgot the part about maintaining a photo blog! Don’t forget that. Wait, wait, wait, one more thing! I forgot to mention that you need to understand and implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO!) by keywording, filenaming and including descriptive text on your site. And you definitely need to set up Google Analytics to evaluate your site so that you can……………

Protesting in Support of Iranian Demonstrators

My closest friends are from Iran. I consider them my brothers and they treat me like family. They’ve told me their tales of escaping a country after the revolution and finding their way to America and freedom. Each is a successful, humble, respectful and loyal person. And each still has family in Iran. Even though they were all tied up with personal commitments on Saturday, I headed down to the Federal Building in Westwood to photograph the protest by Iranian Americans in support of their fellow Iranians at home battling for freedom.

I’ve photographed for too many years and know the perils of actually participating in a protest as opposed to documenting it as a photojournalist. The line between photojournalist and protester is an important one. Although I was there to document, my love and respect for my friends (who weren’t there) made it a more personal experience than most other demonstrations I’ve covered.

Protesters gather in support of those in Iran who are battling government forces over disputed election results. A thousand demonstrators gathered at the Westwood Federal Building in Los Angeles.

Protesters gather in support of those in Iran who are battling government forces over disputed election results. A thousand demonstrators gathered at the Westwood Federal Building in Los Angeles.

A protestor holds a photo supposedly showing a woman named "Neda" who was killed Saturday in Iran.

A protestor holds a photo allegedly of "Neda" who was shot and killed Saturday in Iran.

The demonstrators were passionate and peaceful, yet they exhibited a energy that seemed destined to find it’s way to the men and women defying threats at home to battle government forces in ways that haven’t been seen in nearly thirty years (or so I’ve been told). There were older Iranians standing next to teens twittering on their iPhones, women leading chants with megaphones and children with signs they made themselves. Everyone was draped in green, signs depicted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a criminal and photos from the protests in Iran showing spilled blood circulated widely.

Protesters gather in support of those in Iran who are battling government forces over disputed election results.

Protesters gather in support of those in Iran who are battling government forces over disputed election results.

Time will tell if the protests both in Iran and worldwide will have an impact, but if Saturday was any indication, the support from the Los Angeles Iranian American community is not likely to subside anytime soon.

Click on images or here to be taken to a photo gallery.


Protesters gather in support of those in Iran who are battling government forces over disputed election results.

Protesters gather in support of those in Iran who are battling government forces over disputed election results.